The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is used to display the character that is represented as the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) values. The ASCII values are 8-bit (0-7). The ASCII value can be shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. ASCII Code In this ASCII case, to make character “a” the number shall be […]
Tag: Programmable Logic Array
2-1 Multiplexer Using VHDL
A multiplexer connects data from 2n inputs to the outputs, where n is a number of inputs selector. Generally, the multiplexer is written as mux and it is a digital switch. Example of this device is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Mux 2-1 VHDL code for the 2-1 Mux as written below, LIBRARY ieee […]
Sejarah Programmable Logic
Sebelum ditemukan sistem programmable logic, perancangan elektronika harus menggunakan integrated circuit (IC) khusus, masing-masing berisi beberapa gerbang logik. Chip tersebut disebut logika diskret. Terbatasnya kapasitas gerbang logik yang ada pada satu chip, maka untuk membuat rangkaian yang kompleks harus menggabungkan beberapa chip logik tersebut dalam satu papan, sehingga hal ini menyebabkan tata letak papan lebih […]