Ngobrol santai bareng Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta:Hari/Tanggal: Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2020Pukul: 10.00-SelesaiLink: Google Meet & YoutubeTema: “Artificial Intelligence and Business Need“(Startup, Industri, Bisnis, dan perkembangan kecerdasan buatan (AI) dulu, saat ini, dan yang akan datang)Pemateri: Bapak Riza Akhyari (Pembicara 1) dan Bapak Ferry Wahyu Wibowo (Pembicara 2)
Tag: kecerdasan buatan
What is Artificial Intelligence?
The term of artificial intelligence (AI) has some definitions, i.e.: A study that is trying to get the thing to be intelligent A study to utilize the computer to be able to solve the problem The technology that adopts a human intelligence and simulates to solve the problem The intelligent according to John McCarthy Stanford […]