- Create an account at www.xilinx.com
- Go to www.xilinx.com
- Click Sign in to access the account on the upper right corner.
- Click “Create Account” and create your account.
- An account activation e-mail will be sent in a few minutes.
- Check your e-mail and activate your account according to the instruction in the e-mail.
- ISE WebPACK 10.1 (Free) Installation
- Open ISE WebPACK download page below http://www.xilinx.com/ise/logic_design_prod/webpack.htm
- Registration ID will show up before download starts. You have to type this Registration ID during installation. Please write it down. ( or you can find it from your account in Xilinx webpage )
- Download the software, extract the zip file, and run “setup.exe”
- Welcome screen: Enter Registration ID
- Keep clicking the next button then install it.
- Modelsim Installation ( Free version )
- Open ModelSim Xilinx Edition III Download at http://www.xilinx.com/ise/mxe3/download.htm
- Download the program and extract the zip file and run “setup.exe”
- Setup Type: MXE III Starter Edition (Free)
- Select a Library installation type: Full VHDL
- Open the ModelSim directory
- open “lic_request.txt” in your ModelSim directory
- open the link in “lic_request.txt” and submit a license request
- check your e-mail and save attached “license.dat” file to ModelSim directory
- Run “Licensing Wizard” : Windows XP “Start” button on lower left cornet -> “All Programs” -> ModelSim XE III 6.3c -> Licensing wizard
- Select the “license.dat” file in your ModelSim directory